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Olympuss Doctrine

An Ecosophical Doctrine
on Deep, Transcendental & Reverential Ecology

About our FACES

We have a clearer Vision, Mission & Programs. With it we build life from the scratch.

The Doctrine

Olympuss is an Ecosophical and Deep Ecological Doctrine combining ancient wisdom with modern science to address sustainability, peace, and wisdom.

The Gurukulam

The Ecosophical Gurukula provides a communal living and learning space for those dedicated to studying and practicing Olympuss principles.

The Foundation

Greencross Foundation Center for Deep Ecology and Ecosophy fosters a balanced ecosystem by promoting integrated sustainability and happiness through charitable activities.

The Community

The NeoTribe is a community of awakened souls living harmoniously with nature, based on the principles of Olympuss Ecosophy Eco-culture

The Felllowship

Eco-Spiritual Fellowship offers immersive experiences in eco-spiritual practices and community living to foster a deep connection with nature.

The Eco Village

The Vocational Village offers sustainable vocational training and green jobs, creating a community that values eco-friendly practices and a share-and-care lifestyle.

The Saadhanaa

The CHayoga Saadhanaa of Eco-Spiritual Ashram practices ancient and shamanic eco-spiritual traditions, fostering spiritual awareness and ecological harmony.

The Practice

Sustainable Lifestyle promotes a balanced and blissful state of body, mind, and relationships through the principles of Olympuss Ecosophical Wisdom.

Green School

The Green School offers an alternative education system focusing on emotional, spiritual, and intellectual development in a nature-based environment.

The Virgin Forest

The Virgin Forest is a preserved natural area within Olympuss, maintained in its original state with minimal human intervention.

Eco Literacy

Environmental Literacy programs educate all societal sectors on sustainable practices to ensure the earth's future viability.

The Vocational Village

The Vocational Village provides training and opportunities in sustainable occupations, fostering a self-reliant and eco-friendly community.

The VIllage Hood

The Gramodaya empowers communities to achieve self-reliance and sustainability through holistic social and environmental practices.

The University

The University and Research Centre focuses on teaching and researching Ecosophy and its practical applications to address future sustainability challenges.

Fauna Sanctuary

The Fauna Sanctuary creates a safe and nurturing environment for domesticated animals, promoting coexistence and care.

The Permaculture Graden

The Permaculture Garden & Fruit Forest supports community sustenance through naturally sustainable food production methods.

Participate in our programs

Regular Programs

Online :: Every Day Morning 6:25 AM to 8:00AM

Chayoga, Subhaashitham, Reflective Recap &  QA

Friday Wisdom

Online :: Every Friday ; 7:30PM – 9:30PM 

Webinar for those preparing to Survive..

Children' s Earth

Online :: Every Saturday; 7:30PM – 9:30PM 

Inculcating Green Values Beyond Education.

Eco Coherence

Every alternative mont @ Eco Village

Quantum Life Praxes

Home workout :: Ever Month 1st Week

3 Week Life Transformation Coaching


Online :: Every 3 Months ; Weeknly once

Duration : 12 Weekly Sessions :: Paid Training


Lifeline :: Every 2 Years ; 


History Since 1981

Rare snaps of our Childhood

When it was a Children’s Science Club


Memories of Community

in the past decade

Our Guru Maniyettan

Through the history of 

a Great Yogic Personality.


Online :: Every Saturday; 7:30PM – 9:30PM 

Inculcating Green Values Beyond Education.


Online :: Every Saturday; 7:30PM – 9:30PM 

Inculcating Green Values Beyond Education.


Online :: Every Saturday; 7:30PM – 9:30PM 

Inculcating Green Values Beyond Education.

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